bittersweet solitude of a fireflower

6 More Working Days
August 19, 2011, 10:15 pm
Filed under: Home/House/Heart, Oozing Overload, The Little One

Every day, I count down to my colleague about how we only have 6 more working days to the end of the term, and boy am I looking forward to it. Maybe not to the sleepless nights… but it is time for a decent break. School has just been so… tiring of late. I guess I’m just sian of  being worried for other people’s children (ok, that sounded really selfish). I’m really thankful for this year, with all those elections and stuff, as it has allowed us to have more (unexpected) holidays. Nonetheless, the last 6 working days before I take my leave will be busy days, and I hope I can survive them well!

The house is coming along fine, although I really wish that we could move in soon. Baby J is also ok, wiggling still even though he doesn’t have much space left. I’m gonna miss this sensation once he comes out. Just yesterday I had very bad cramps and for a moment I thought that I was going to give birth… haha.

The weekend is here and there is more packing and buying of stuff to be done… anything but teaching for now will be good 😛

2 Comments so far
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Hey girl, good to hear that your well-deserved break is coming! Please rest more yah?

Comment by fang ting

Hey girl! Yep I will try to 🙂 I’ve been reading your blog – life sure looks good, and I’m glad that you and SH are doing well. Keep it updated and treasure your times there 🙂

Comment by fireflower

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